Opaque Opal Rough

One location, two mines. American Gemstones has been fortunate to have the help from two different mine owners while working to create our presentation of Opaque Opal from Oregon. The current miner, Troy Newman, operates the mine under the business name, Outlaw Rocks and they mine several different opal mines in Southern Oregon.

Initially we became acquainted with the location when operated by Chuck Newnham who mined this location as Juniper Ridge Opal Mine. For a time there was a partnership between Troy and Chuck on the mining operation.

The original mine location is now mined and marketed by Troy under the name Outlaw Rocks. Chuck has a nearby mine located on the mountain and continues to operate as Juniper Ridge Mine and marketing American Fire Opal.

Troy is closed to public fee digging. Chuck may an option for public fee digging.

We love the beauty around the mine and have always enjoyed good hospitality and gemstone mining. Our thanks to the miners and artists who have supported American Gemstones in our effort to present Oregon Opaque Opal to the public.
