• GEMSTONE:        Oregon Fire Opal, 103.85 carat carving
  •  ARTIST:                Nick Alexander, Arizona
  •  MINE:                   Opal Queen Mine, Oregon
  •  MUSEUM:            Unassigned

A totem represents many different things including; “a special design or visual object representing a quality”. Certainly this gemstone holds up to those standards.

Gemstones can have meanings or qualities which are special to an individual, or to groups of people. For example, different characteristics, traits, powers and virtues are a ascribed to “birthstones” and “healing crystals”.

For American Gemstones, the power of this gem is remembrance. The flowing curves of Totem represent the curving underground branch-like structures of Oregon Fire Opal deposits. It is also is an acknowledgement and appreciation of the many good people and good times digging where we mined for this gemstone.
