To Boldly Go

  • GEMSTONE:        Oregon Sunstone, 68.70 carats
  •  ARTIST:                Nick Alexander, Arizona
  •  MINE:                   Sunstone Butte Mine, Oregon
  •  MUSEUM:            UA Alfie Norville Gem and Mineral Museum, Tucson, Arizona

Oregon Sunstone displays numerous colors and variations. One of our favorites is shiller; a glowing and/or glittery appearance caused by copper inclusions within the gemstone. From “first contact”, To Boldly Go captured our imagination.

Nick Alexander won a national cutting award at the age of 17 and cut this extraordinary gemstone for the American Gemstone legacy collection at 18. His vision and talent continues “to boldly go where no one has gone before”. One may wonder how Nick cuts such intriguing gems at so young an age and what he likes about the cutting process. We asked Nick for his thoughts:


It is also true that many remarkable gemstones may start with extraordinary cutting rough. Some of the most notable Oregon Sunstone rough comes from Sunstone Butte Mine. We are grateful for the continuing support and participation from such a vital source of wonderful gemstone material.

American Gemstones is thankful for the help of Sunstone Butte Mine and Nick Alexander. May you… “Live long and prosper”.
