The Big Kahuna

  • GEMSTONE:        Oregon Sunstone, 93.3 Carat Carving
  •  ARTIST:               Ryan Anderson, California
  •  MINE:                  Double Eagle Mine, Oregon
  •  MUSEUM:           UA Alfie Norville Gem and Mineral Museum, Tucson, Arizona

In Hawaiian, Kāhuna is a respected person, an expert in any profession. In surfing it mean a “big wave”. It seems both definitions apply to this Oregon Sunstone “tidal wave”. The Big Kahuna was cut by Ryan Anderson from a large piece of shiller rough produced from Double Eagle mine.

Ryan is an outstanding gemstone miner and cutter. We have watched him finesse the operation of heavy equipment with the same skillful touch as he applies to cutting a gem. Don’t get us wrong, you simply cannot “bulldoze and excavate” your way through cutting a fine gem, but you get the idea…he’s good. As a matter of fact, we asked his partners once, “is there anything Ryan doesn’t do well”? They couldn’t think of a thing. He is the Kahuna because he does so much, so well.

Ryan and his mining partners at Hallelujah Junction (Amethyst) and at Sun Summit Mine (Oregon Sunstone) are an inspiration of demonstrating the value in cooperation, hard work and good spirit. Obviously, talent fits in there too!

Here are some of the undertakings of Ryan, his partners and enterprises:


“Aʻohe hana nui ke alu ‘ia” – no task is too big when done together by all.
