Sea Flower

  • GEMSTONE:        Rose Quartz, __ carat carving
  •  ARTISTS:              Naomi Sarna, New York & Aaron Sangenitto, California 
  •  MINE:                   Hogg Mine, Georgia
  •  MUSEUM:           Unassigned

Sea Flower is an elegant and flowing work of art created from a large piece of Rose Quartz mined at Hogg Mine by American Gemstones.

We are fortunate to have the work of Naomi Sarna and Aaron Sangenitto in completing Sea Flower. Naomi carved the initial design and sculptural flow of Sea Flower and Aaron contributed some detailing and finish work. While the work was not a collaboration, we find Sea Flower an amazing piece of complimentary flowing art work. It is almost as if the curving gemstone surfaces move to an unseen ocean current. Our imagination takes us on a tranquil underwater journey looking upward through a floating carpet of “Sea Flowers”and the sunlit surface above.

Our thanks to Naomi and Aaron for this relaxing vision called Sea Flower.
