• GEMSTONE:        Rose Quartz, 31.16 Carat, Fantasy cut
  •  ARTIST:               Darryl Alexander, Arizona
  •  MINE:                  Hogg Mine, Georgia
  •  MUSEUM:           Unassigned

Nature provides inspiration to us in different ways. We’re quite sure that Darryl Alexander wasn’t thinking; “hey, why not put some detail into this gemstone resembling mushrooms used in Japanese cuisine”. Nope! We’re sure that wasn’t his inspiration.

We think Japanese dishes can be exotic and so is this gemstone. Enoki reminds us that different dishes require finesse and the proper mixture of imagination and workmanship, as does gemstone artistry. We imagined something that inspired the name, Enoki, but there is so much else going on in this gemstone. We leave it to you to “cook up” another imaginative picture for yourself.

Enjoy the dish that “chef” Darryl has prepared.
