Hallelujah Junction Rough

Due to millennia of geologic action, when searching for amazing quartz crystal specimens at Hallelujah Junction, many crystals found are cracked, broken or incomplete. Some of these may be of good enough quality to cut into gemstones. As with all gemstone mining ventures we’ve worked at or seen, the quantity and quality of the specimens and gemstone rough found can vary greatly greatly from day to day. Even if a great deal of gemstone materials is found, high quality specimens and gemstone rough remains only a small percentage of the total collected.

Typically the public only sees the beautiful end result of all the hard work of the miners and artists. It is easy to underestimate the tremendous cost, struggle and effort required to bring a great specimen or gemstone to the eye of the public. American Gemstones has experienced this at many times and many mines. There is not enough we can do in expressing our appreciation. We try to respectfully build a legacy so that the many ways gemstones in North America are produced and cut can be better acknowledged and understood by all those who are touched by their beauty.


  • SiO2 Partners

(please note: the image of the Hallelujah Junction rough attached to this post was provided by another source and is not a part of the American Gemstone collection and will not be donated to any museum)